When is the best time to start potty training?
The time is coming where you think now it‘s time that my child go diaper free. But how can I start with the potty training? And when should I start with it?
The experts say it is a maturity process
Maybe you have already started potty training and you know that can be very difficult. It requires time and patience and of course motivation from your child.
It is possible that you have started at a too early age and after a few days you stopped the training with frustration. Because your child is not ready yet and it is too early for him or her. Experts say that it is a maturity process and so your child have to reach this stage. Most children reach this age between 3 and 5 years, some earlier. They say also that girls are normally earlier diaper free than boys.
Start the potty training – go diaper free
Your child needs to show some interest and has to be physically able to. You can start for example when your child is able to dress himself, also when he or her can take off and put on the nappy pant himself/herself.
A good occasion is also the time of the year, wait until it’s spring, summer or autumn. A good time as well is for example a summer holiday. Therefore your child do not to have to put so much clothes on. Look that your daughter or son has pants with elastic band and no button on it. Difficulties to open the pants can be an obstacle.

Watch and learn
Children are watching us all the time and are imitating us. So let the toddlers watch you going to the toilet. There is a time coming when your child likes to do the same. Then help him several times sitting on the toilet.
Helpful toilet equipment
There are potties, small steps to get on and off easily from a normal sized toilet. Maybe your son or daughter likes more a potty which they can claim as their own toilet. Or an adapter seat to smallen the normal sized toilet is more adequat for them? You have to try what’s best for your child, because every child is different and has other preferences.
Let’s get it as a routine
Try to put your child as often as possible to the toilet. You know best when pee or bowel movement is due. Often within 30 minutes after the meals. So start going to the toilet several times a day until it’s like a routine. After a certain time your child knows it like brushing teeths after the meals.
Motivate and honour your child
When the first pee or bowel movement goes into the toilet or potty then it is very important to honour this. Your child will then be very proud of it and likes to do it again.
Don‘t be disappointed when it doesn‘t work the next time and don’t make a big deal out of it. It needs it‘s time.
You can also motivate your child for example with an special book or toy. Or just a sweet or a cookie. An excursion to a special place or playground something your child love to go or do is also a good idea.
My experiences
With my first twins I started the potty training with 2 1/2 years and after several days with some success but more setbacks, I gave it up again. Half a year later I started again and this time it worked in no time. With 3 1/2 years of age they had only occasionally wet pants.
For the second twins, two boys, you might think they have good guides in their siblings. They could go to the toilet at the age of 3, but they did not feel like doing so. I am now on the potty training with them and in about 1-2 weeks there are ready to throw the nappies away.
Fact: the second twins will be in about the same age going diaper free. This confirms the experts opinion that it takes a certain maturity for it to work.